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How to Get Parents Involved in Fundraisers

Fundraising season is upon us with fall extracurricular activities in full swing. From football to volleyball, performing arts to speciality clubs, school districts are looking for parent involvement in raising funds to keep these extracurricular activities going. If your group is having a hard time getting parents involved, check out these tips.

Parents juggle a lot. From home life to school life to, literally, everything in between, parents truly don’t get enough credit. So when your kids or their coaches approach you asking to get involved in fundraising efforts, it’s no surprise that most parents are incredibly hesitant.

As parents, our time is valuable. Sometimes, it’s all we can do to make it to the game, much less miss the game to work concessions or add on an entirely different fundraising event on top of game days and all that is involved with sports. But, we all have this one soft spot—our kids. We want the very best for their athletic career, however long it might be.

To get parents involved in fundraisers, it’s crucial that everything is well thought out and planned. Asking us to help is one thing, asking us to create and facilitate the event is completely different. For coaches or PTA members looking to get more parents involved in fundraising efforts, be clear and concise on your needs. When the need is clearly defined, we are more likely to say yes.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, not all parents are dodging involvement. Some parents want to be involved but are shy, have busy schedules, or other demands. Don’t write anyone off. If you have the opportunity, through a phone call, email, or face-to-face, speak to all parents of players to see if they have any interest or are able to sacrifice any time to help the team.

When you do get parents to oblige, make sure that you create a healthy, open, and welcoming atmosphere. The last thing parents want is to walk into a room of people and feel out of place. As the coach or leader of the fundraiser, it’s crucial to establish kind, constructive, and respectful communication. Make sure the schedule, calendar, and timeline are clearly defined so that parents don’t have to guess at where they are needed and how they can help. Assign tasks or create a sign-up sheet to avoid conflict.

Finally, the best way to get and keep parents involved in fundraising efforts is to sing our praises. No one wants to feel invalidated. Acknowledge the sacrifices and efforts of parents and make sure they know how grateful you are for their help.