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Tips on Keeping Your Resolutions

The excitement of the New Year has official faded. The resolutions we set are being tested in full force. The motivation is gone, the willpower is fading, and all I want is a cookie! But, I’m powering through and hoping for the best.

If you’re experiencing the same temptation to give up, throw in the towel, and call it a day, just know you’re most definitely not alone. To help us as we continue on in our new lifestyle filled with change and difficult choices, here are some tips on keeping your resolutions.

It’s a Mental Battle

Know that the mental battle is even stronger than the physical battle. Your body and your mind are often at war. Your mind and your heart are at war too. As humans, we face these inward struggles that have outward results. We’re complex beings and when you throw in change, we reach a new level of confusing.

Make it simple. Fix your thoughts. Know that the battle is a mental battle worth fighting. If you aren’t in the right state of mind, you will fail. It’s human nature. So every day have a conversation with yourself, remind yourself why you have this resolution and all the good that will come from it.

It’s a Lifestyle Change

When we come upon the New Year, there’s an excitement for a new beginning, a fresh start, a blank slate. But once January reaches mid-way, our excitement for change begins to fade. We have to remember that our resolutions aren’t just a temporary fix. They’re a lifestyle change.

Whether your resolution is weight loss, healthier living, more exercise, to be more organized, etc., it requires a lasting, lifestyle change. You can’t expect to wake up on January 1 and be different. It takes time to establish new habits, it takes willpower to keep those new habits. So give it time, ride the highs and fight through the lows.