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Volleyball Safety Tips

Volleyball-related injuries happen every year. From injuries treated in hospitals to those requiring ambulatory assistance and doctors’ offices, doctors report more than 187,000 treatments every year. To prevent these injuries, it’s important to follow specific volleyball safety tips.

Warm Up

Without a warm up, muscles are prone to injury. Prevent this by warming up with jumping jacks, running, walking, or some other type of cardiovascular exercise. Then, make sure you stretch. Getting your muscles prepared for activity can prevent ankle, wrist, and knee injuries.

Wear the Proper Gear

From wearing the right shoes to using knee pads, it’s crucial that volleyball players wear the proper gear. Without it, they can twist an ankle, bruise their knees, or get a more serious injury from falling or diving onto the court. Having the right shoes offers good shock absorption and arch support. Invest in quality volleyball gear that will provide the right support and last for several seasons.


During practices and matches, communication among players is key. Players should call the ball to avoid colliding on the court.

Check the Sand

If you’re playing outdoor volleyball, there are unique safety tips that should be followed. Sand volleyball comes with its own set of challenges. Before playing, make sure that the sand doesn’t have sharp objects or glass.

Secure the Net

Check the volleyball net to make sure it’s secured and safe. For nets supported by wires, make sure a soft material is covering the wire. Never grab the net or hang on the supports.

Be Prepared

Be prepared for emergency situations. Bring a first aid kit in case of any minor injuries, ranging from sprains to cuts and bruises. In case of emergency situations, have contact information for guardians and make sure there is a trained medical professional available to treat injuries, including concussions, fractures, dislocations, etc.

When playing volleyball, be aware of safety hazards. Whether you’re playing indoor on a court or outdoor in the sand, make sure you’ve surveyed the surroundings to make sure it’s safe and secure.