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Living an Active Lifestyle with your Kids in Mind

Monkey see, monkey do. It’s that way with our kids. They watch and observe us and how we live our lives pretty much from sunup to sundown. So, it’s important that we set a good example of what healthy living looks like.

Start with good nutrition. Have fresh fruit on hand and limit junk food. Don’t load up the pantry with unhealthy food choices to tempt the little ones. It’s okay to splurge now and again and moderation is key. Drink lots of water and your children will follow suit. Hydration is so important. Life gets so busy sometime that it’s hard to catch up. An occasional soda hits the spot, but make sure it is a treat rather than a daily indulgence.

Go places and walk together as a family. Take walks around the block or go to a park or zoo. Explore downtown or go to a museum. Walking and talking together sparks good memories and strengthens the family bond.

Avoid elevators and take the stairs. Stair climbing is good for your heart and good for toning muscles in the legs. When you can, take the stairs at parking garages, the mall and other venues together.

Set aside a workout area in your home. Include some yoga mats, weights and maybe an exercise ball. Schedule family workout time and have each member take a night and lead the exercises. Look for gyms that will allow kids to exercise along with you or ones that provide workouts just for that age group while you are participating in adult classes.

Limit couch lounging and video gaming time. Set a timer if you have to. Get up and get moving--doing chores or organizing the closet, pantry or garage. Ask the kids to help out.

Go to bed at a decent time. Adults who get proper sleep make for much more patient and engaging parents. Have a conversation with your kids about the importance of quality sleep. If good sleep is eluding you, do some research and maybe see a medical professional who can help.

Above all, tackle each day with a good attitude and find something to be grateful for. This enthusiasm will trickle down to the kids and that’s a good habit to develop.